viernes, 11 de mayo de 2007

Sustainable Development: Why we can get a sustainable development ?

Why we can get a sustainable development ?
Alex Fernandez Muerza November, 2006

The present model of economic growth based on the operation of the nature requires a change in which the consumers can contribute much The sustainable development means not to esquilmar the limited natural resources, so that the next generations can also make use of them. Although the idea is not new - already in century XVIII the French physiocrats spoke of it - the term and the conscience of such fact was developed at the end of century XX. In 1987, the Commission of Environment and Development of United Nations proposed the “Brundtland Report” to unite the environmental, economic and social aspects from a shared in common perspective. Five years later, the Earth Summit of United Nations established a Commission to promote the Sustainable Development. The way was open, and the Programs and Declarations for their impulse would follow one another to the present time since then. Nevertheless, the agravamiento of the environmental, economic or social problems increases, which means that the present development is more and more untenable. In order to change to this tendency, the society, and the consumers in individual, they will have to assume some fundamental changes, as the egalitarian distribution and the consumption responsible for the natural resources. Untenable development in the world and Spain the climatic change, the drought, the exhaustion of fishing the agricultural resources or, the reduction of the biodiversity of the planet, the lack of water, energy or foods to supply to all the world-wide population or the contamination are the expression of which something is not being made well. According to Victor Viñuales, director of the Foundation Ecology and Development, “when we spoke of fundamental problems for our planet, at heart tries itself to construct a sustainable development”. More and more indicating they aim that the present society lives on untenable way. The Alive report Planet of WWF/Adena assures that the ecological track, that measures the human impact on environment, has in the last grown years of such form that in 2050 will twice be used the value of the natural resources of the planet “if they have not been exhausted before”. The study of the ecological organization esteem that the situation does not have appearances of short term change and places in upper of its list of countries with high consumption per capita of energy and resources to United Arab Emirates, the United States, Finland, Canada, Kuwait, Australia, Estonia, Sweden, New Zealand and Norway. On the other hand, the Agency the International of Energía (AIE) warned recently to the present international delegates in the conference of Nairobi (Kenya) on climatic change that the present power consumption is “untenable”. According to this institution, the CO2 emissions, causes of the effect conservatory, have increased “much more of the predicted thing”. According to their calculations, the polluting fossil energies will represent in 2030 85% of total the power consumption. Antonio Lecuona, specialist in power efficiency assures that we lived in “a power obese” society: "Consumimos cien veces más que los países subdesarrollados. It is necessary to analyze where they are the greater stuffings, and to avoid that it is not wasted ". Spain, that locates itself in the fifteenth position of the “black list” of WWF/Adena, suffers several critical untenable elements, according to Report 2006 of the Observatory of the Sustainability of Spain (IT DARES): The little flexibility of the economy, that grows by means of environmental pressures; a strong power dependency; badly the use and destruction of the territory; and an increasing population that struggles between the progressive aging and the increase of the emigration. Also, the uncontrolled increase of the gas discharges of effect conservatory and the deficiency of data on the water together with the advance of the desertificación are also emphasized in the report. However, their people in charge appreciate reasons for the hope, like modest

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