domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Sustainable Development: Symposium actions and resultos around Cuitzeo watershed.

They organize Symposium Actions and Results for the Sustainable Development of the River basin of the Lake of Cuitzeo Cuasar Agency.
Friday 27 of April of the 2007. Morelia, Michoacán (Cuasar Agency): -

The State Council of Science and Technology (COECyT), the National Institute of Forest, Agricultural Investigations and Pecuarias (INIFAP), the Michoacana University of San Nicholas de Hidalgo, the Independent National University of Mexico, the Institute of Investigation for Desarrollo (IRD) of France, the Secretariat of Environment and Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) _Delegación Michoacán, the Forest Commission of the State of Michoacán (COFOM), the Secretariat of Farming Development of the State of Michoacán (SEDAGRO), the National Commission Forest Region IV Rafts, and the OOAPAS is organizing the Symposium Actions and Results for the Sustainable Development of the River basin of the Lake of Cuitzeo, Michoacán, that will be celebrated the 4 of October of 2007 in this city that it has by objective to promote the plural interchange and discussions and of proposal that impel the sustainable development of the River basin of the Lake of Cuitzeo. The particular objectives of the symposium are: To constitute a debate forum on the necessity of the cross-sectional and interdisciplinary attention of the problematic one of the river basin on the part of the institutions and the society as a whole; To impel the interchange of ideas, projects, results and actions between the Society, Government and Institutions of Investigation on the thematic ones of sustainable and environmental development, from a interdisciplinary vision; To offer to the propitious space for the communication and spreading of the advances in the matter of environment and development; To impel the formation of networks of servants public to cause the development and transference of the knowledge, the generation of technology and interinstitutional participation in projects of environmental character and sustainable development. This Congress, that will include skillful communications and presentation of posters, will include the subjects of Normative and Institutional Frame, Conservation and Rehabilitation of the Natural Resource, Productive Economic-Environmental Activities, Citizen Participation and Spreading of Science, Generation of Knowledge, Management Environmental, and Problematic of Uso and Manejo of the Water. The river basin of the Lake of Cuitzeo belongs to the Lerma-Chapala system, one of the more important hidrológicos systems of the country, includes/understands around 4000 km2 and gives origin to the Lake of Cuitzeo, the second greater lake of Mexico. Of the total of 25 municipalities that the river basin includes territorially, six of them have 100% of their area within the river basin, eight have more than 60% and 15 have their municipal head within the river basin. The main uses of the ground in the river basin are the agriculturist (temporary and irrigation) that 32% of their area include, and the vegetal cover of forest and scrub appears in 36% of the river basin. The slumses have had a greater growth of 300%, emphasizing Morelia with 600% (from 1960 to 1997); this occupation has been on culture areas, mainly. The deforestation affects 12% concentrating itself in the forest areas and although the programs have been increased of reforestation, an enormous deficit of vegetal cover persists. In the last years the lake has shown a behavior of drying that is related to fluctuations of rain and temperature that happen in previous the immediate year; in addition, the levels of contamination in the water of the lake are elevated, originated by the residual unloadings, which hope that they are reduced with the operation of megaplanta of residual water treatment of Atapaneo. The main water sources for the potable water supply, like are the spring of the Mintzita and the prey of Cointzio, that of joint way contributes more than 70%, requires of programs of sustainable handling that solve problems originated by handlings of resources and urban establishments. Before this scene, a group of institutions of investigation, education superi

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